Workshop Questionaire Results

Check out the data on what past participants got to learn in the Disinformation WarriorContent Creator workshop

The Content Creator workshop teaches folks how to be more critical of media and morescience literate and will teach participants how to create animations based on what theylearned, related to verifying truth claims. At the end of the workshop, participants are asked to take a questionnaire to anonymously share and to challenge what they learned.We share that data here.

Using what you learned in the course, select the images that were altered or faked.

During the workshop, participants get to discuss how confirmation bias works and how easy it can be to only look for the research sources that agree with you.

What is confirmation bias? Select all that apply

During the workshop, participants get to discuss how confirmation bias works and how easy it can be to only look for the research sources that agree with you.

Ignoring the majority of the evidence and only choosing to believe the evidence that you agree with.

Considering every perspective

Believing in the things that benefit us the most.

Only choosing to address sources that agree with your hypotheses

Choosing to address sources that disagree with your hypotheses

Not sure

How can bias be a problem? Select all that apply

Eliminating factors that cause bias in science and philosophy is a major part ofpursuing truth. This is especially important when it comes to scientific experimentation so that the most precise and correct answers can be found.

We receive information from a tiny sliver of the internet, but we're not aware of the full picture

We get our perspectives reaffirmed by those around us

What's true for a lab rat is true for everyone

Bias is never a problem

We lose sight of the other ways to think about things

Data is less descriptive if it isn't representative of all groups or individuals in the population

It's easier to go with your gut

Not sure

What biases do you think you have been guilty of? Check all that apply

Everyone has biases but being accountable for them can be challenging.

Confirmation Bias

Bias from social media algorithms

Fear of missing out

Bias of authority

Bias of gender

Bias of race

Not sure

While creating content during the course what sorts of your own biases do you think you displayed?

  • Following google because I have a bias for google

  • I think I have a habit of only thinking through ' rose coloured glasses,' or onlyseeing things and believing things that I want to see.

  • confirmation bias

  • that everyone is at least a little bit unintelligent

  • I honestly don't really know. I'd like to think that I was completely unbiased, but I find that very unlikely

  • arguably bias of authority

  • I know I have biases as I don't get my news from Fox or the National Post

  • I missed a lot of classes I was here for 1,2,3,5 and thats it

  • I tried not to display any - but I was biased in favour of getting vaccines

  • i dont know, i think my funny ideas are only funny to a certain amount of people

  • my bias on certain liberal topics

  • IDK

  • bias for myself (so basically being selfish whoops), not totally revealing the pros and cons about something (so only the pros and some cons)

  • Bias from naivete or ignorance of the source--sometimes I am somewhat gullible.

  • I think I have displayed confirmation bias

  • Bias of authority

What are some things that you learned from the course, related to verifying the truth ofa claim?

  • Two eyed seeing

  • There are a lot of ways to verify false information and I'm surprised that not a lot of people can identify it.

  • how to identify if things are fake or not

  • not shure

  • lateral reading, more ways to ask people, trustworthy sites, snopes

  • How to do a reverse-image search, checking the reliability of a website with another website, such as Wikipedia or snopes

  • that even science has bias

  • check your sources with reversed searches and lateral reading

  • identefineing truth and fake

  • identefineing truth and fake

  • different websites that might verify

  • reverse searching

  • about a lot of stuff the articles mentioned

  • Stop motion

  • social media is not always the best place to go for facts, lateral reading helps

  • I learned about sites such Snopes that can help verify the validity of a site.

  • I learned how to search laterally and use my resources to fact check

From 'Bias and Fact-Checking', what does SOS stand for?

Some workshop material is based on the articles and topics on the DisinformationWarriors website. These articles give different strategies to be more critical of thecontent you are consuming.

Search, Observe, Substantiate

Snake Oil Salesman

Not Sure/ Something Else

Save Our Souls

What is science according to the article, 'Scales of Pangolin'?

Some workshop material is based on the articles and topics on the DisinformationWarriors website. These articles help guide participants to have more defined valuesof what research and truth seeking is.

Science is a process of building models...

Not sure/ Something Else

What is something that surprised you about the course?

  • That we are doing paper instead of cgi or online animation

  • it was actually fun!

  • the different types of bias

  • not sure

  • lots of the fake stuff in the images and news, trustworthy sites aren't always thepretty-looking ones

  • I wasn't expecting it to be split into two sections, one focused around disinformationand another focused around animation. I kinda expected them to be merged into one.

  • how much you can express in one small animation

  • I learnt about snopes and reverse image search!

  • some places you depend on might be fake

  • how you can search for pictures through chrome

  • I wasn't thinking Wikipedia is a trust source to check for all kinds of information.

  • the amazing animations

  • How many perspectives of people there were in the audience

  • That everything is in social media not necessarily true.

  • the aesthetic quality of a website does not determine the trustworthiness of it

  • How images can be transformed through stop action. Though I have been wary of internet media in terms of how easy it is for false claims to be made to appear authenticate and true,and easily spread as if authoritative, I did not know about specific ways that this misinformation is disseminated (eg. Clickbait).

  • Wikipedia is actually a good source and how much bias I have experienced

What tools did you discover for verifying truth during the course?

  • I think it’s called horizontal seeing

  • can't remember

  • working back

  • not shure

  • lateral reading, fact-checkers, trustworthy/reliable websites, other people

  • Snopes, Wikipedia, reverse-image searches

  • snopes, reverse image search

  • I've thought more critically of my biases and learnt how to better fact check

  • yup i missed a LOT

  • Wikipedia website and always remember SOS

  • reverse searching

  • Reverse image searching, constant wikipedia checking

  • lateral reading, asking verified sources like the people who have observed the stuff(like if it was a science experiment), observing the stuff for yourself, wikipedia,other websites, credibility system

  • Using Snopes and cross-checking with credible sources.

How can you verify what you read on the site Wikipedia?

  • I can’t remember sorry

  • look at the sources and look it up on google

  • you can find other sources

  • the popularity and language

  • lateral reading

  • checking for the same information elsewhere

  • type in the website, it will tell you its history

  • look at the references!

  • checking the links/resources

  • to see if this organization has a purpose or agenda

  • check other sources

  • Search the place or person's name, and then check the bibliography to make surethere were a lot of sources that agree with what Wikipedia is claiming.

  • Idk

  • the tools I mentioned above :D

  • You can use snopes and check what the agenda is.

Select all the primary sources:

The Disinformation Warriors workshop describes the different tools that writers use to provide evidence for their work.

Taking notes on chimpanzees that you are observing

Seeing an event take place and writing about it

Information read from an encyclopedia

Information gathered from gossip

Newspaper reports that include witnesses

Audience statistics on YouTube

Photographs of the event being discussed

Not sure

Select all the secondary sources:

Having knowledge about reliable resources when creating content will make your work trustworthy.

Information read from another book or written source


A review of a movie

Photographs of the event being discussed

Audience statistics from YouTube views

Analysis or Interpretation of data

Direct observations of a test subject

Not sure